echo “Hello World”

It's been a hell of a year. Friendships have changed, routines have been uprooted, and my dog died (not of covid), not to mention hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions around the world. Of the many changes in my life, one of the more pleasant ones is my neighbor and new friend Doug. Not only is he helping me with a project to do some good in my dog's honor, but he's started doing random podcasts with me and has really stoked a creative fire that I thought had faded beyond salvage. I've also been really active with Rachel, my friend from grad school, who's super keen on doing some collaborative writing with me. You can find our work towards that over here. So that's a lot of creativity on my plate. Go figure.

Who am I? I'm a husband, son, brother, dog-lover, and a web developer at a major flagship state university. This blog is going to be about literally everything and anything I want it to be about. It's a place to stash links to podcasts of my own and others that I participate in, and somewhere to let loose a creative side that had - until this year - started gathering moss.