Rocky, Twitching, and Pounding Meat

In this Episode, we again find Doug on the rooftop setting up for a Monday night ham radio operators' check-in. Jon takes the time to share some random thoughts and trivia from his viewing of Rocky on boxing day over the weekend.




Messages from Mars

Following up on a mention of a scene from The Martian involving solar charging a vehicle for hours on end to drive it a few hours each day to get to his rescue point, Doug and I then launched into a chat about the interesting communications challenges that Mark Watney overcomes in the movie (and the book on which it is based).

Listen to "Cool communication stuff." on Spreaker....


Time Travel in Movies – Part 1

Doug and I left off of talking about Ham Radios with a mention of Frequency, so for tonight's chat, we sequed into time travel in movies, specifically focusing on whether observers in the future who are aware of the time travel going on should be aware of any changes to their timeline or not. Movies are incredibly inconsistent when it comes to this, even within the scope of their own stories.

